I learned so much from researching animal rights and it really opened my eyes to understand what horrible things they endure. I read about different procedures animals go through during testing and I was saddened by what I read, I couldn't believe scientists were allowed to literally kill innocent animals. I was also appalled by the amount of animals not protected under law and how their deaths go unnoticed or more likely ignored. I also couldn't believe animals were kept in such crude environments that they could be driven to insanity. I read different articles about animal testing and how its unnecessary and does not provide information people think it does. Therefore, I think animal testing should be stopped and not be allowed. I took away three things, the awful environments, the different types of testing, and most of all the worthlessness of it. Everyone can help out by offering donations and not purchasing products that support animal testing. Also protest whenever hearing about plans to hurt animals. I hope this blog showed people what animal testing really does and made them realize it must be stopped.
"The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but "Can they suffer?"
- Jeremy Bentham