Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Legality Behind It

Animals are subjected to harsh treatments in laboratories this is allowed because many aren't protected under law. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) addresses the standard of care animals receive in testing laboratories yet 95% are excluded such as rats, mice, birds, etc. That means we have a law that basically protects no research animals' rights and is just there for show. The Public Health Service oversees the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which channels infectious diseases and studies the subjects reactions. When the facilities the animals are tested are found indecent there is no follow up inspection. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) oversees the 12,000 research facilities (only 120 inspectors available) and some are never inspected and many go unpenalized. However there are committees to protect the animals such as the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees that are self chosen, but have no power to change things.

Not So Fun Facts

1. Most animals aren't legally protected in laboratories.
2. Most inspectors are not empowered to do anything when violations have occurred.
3. Many labs pass inspections even when providing an indecent environment.
Legal testing includes burning, poisoning, starving, forced smoking, mutilating, blinding, electrocuting, drowning, and dissecting without painkillers. These forms of torture are legal and can be performed on animals against their will, these acts cannot go unnoticed and must be stopped. The
Animal Legal Defense Fund provided amazing information to pull from.

"Animal Testing and the Law." Aldf.org. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

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